Personal Colour Analysis

Ever wondered which colours are the best ones to flatter and enhance your natural complexion? Do you want to know which colours will elevate feelings of wellbeing and increase your confidence level? With hair colour and skin lightening over time maybe you wish to have a refresh, be reenergised and appear healthier but don’t know where to start?

Personal colour analysis provides the guidance through a face-to-face consultation to determine the specific colour dimensions you harmonise with best. In working together using different sets of colour drapes your personal Colour Flow is discovered. This is where the magic happens. You’ll learn which colours make you sparkle and glow the most, enhancing your skin tone, your hair, and your eyes.

The universally recognised Tonal Colour system used extends a Season range (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn) into 12 “flows” combining with Deep, Cool, Clear, Soft, Warm, or Light flows. Your Colour Flow with its particular range of colours will be your personal colour palette – a fan of colours to guide you to wearing your best colours.

Using your colour fan (swatch), and 3 - 4 items from your wardrobe, you will be equipped with ideas and inspiration for using your colour palette to work with garments. Practice for making future choices that will make you look younger and fresher, more confident, and radiant.

The final and key part of the Colour Analysis consultation is a Makeup Application using colours that enhance and connect with your personal colourway.

What you take home:

  • A personalised fan of colours (swatch)

  • A handbook detailing the steps to make the most of your swatch

  • A written synopsis of all the distinctions referring to your personal colour palette.

  • Makeup Profile*


Time: Allow 1 ½ - 2 hours

Cost: $275


*All makeup used is available for purchase.